Results for 'Gm le CarlsonGrammens'

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  1. Coordination of prosthetic and normal hands.Sa Wallace & Gm le CarlsonGrammens - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):523-523.
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  2. Le vrai sens du progrès.Gm Cottier - 1985 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 62 (3):399-420.
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  3. Les fondements de l'indifférence en philosophie de la religion.Cottier Gm-M. - 1977 - Revue Thomiste 77 (3):393-426.
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  4. Charles Journet, le théologien et l'engagement politique.Cottier Gm-M. - 1976 - Revue Thomiste 76 (4):533-550.
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    Recasting “Substantial Equivalence”:Transatlantic Governance of GM Food.Susan Carr, Joseph Murphy & Les Levidow - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (1):26-64.
    When intense public controversy erupted around agricultural biotechnology in the late 1990s, critics found opportunities to challenge risk assessment criteria and test methods for genetically modified products. In relation to GM food, they criticized the concept of substantial equivalence, which European Union and United States regulators had adopted as the basis for a harmonized, science-based approach to risk assessment. Competing policy agendas framed scientific uncertainty in different ways. Substantial equivalence was contested and eventually recast to accommodate some criticisms. To explain (...)
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  6. Porre in questione il valore della verità. Riflessioni sul compito della tarda filosofia di Nietzsche a partire da GM III 24-27.Pietro Gori - 2015 - In Pietro Gori, Bruna Giacomini & Fabio Grigenti (eds.), La Genealogia della morale. Letture e interpretazioni. Pisa: ETS. pp. 267-292.
    Il contenuto dei paragrafi conclusivi della "Genealogia della morale" può essere considerato il nucleo di una rete di concetti che costituisce l’intelaiatura della tarda filosofia di Nietzsche. In questo saggio si mostrerà in particolare come la problematizzazione della verità annunciata in GM III, 24 e 27 rappresenti per Nietzsche un passaggio fondamentale per portare a maturazione le istanze critiche del proprio pensiero e permettere la realizzazione della «filosofia dell’avvenire» di cui "Al di là del bene e del male" doveva costituire (...)
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    Beyond the hype: the inside story of science's biggest media controversies.Fiona Fox - 2022 - London: Elliott & Thompson.
    What happens when science hits the headlines - for all the wrong reasons? Do you remember the 'Climategate' email leak? Or the 'Frankenscience'-style headlines about the perils of GM foods? What about the time the government sacked its own science advisor for challenging drug laws? The truth behind the attention-grabbing headlines was complex, nuanced - sometimes even mundane. Yet that's not how it was reported or remembered. We rely on the media to help us make sense of complicated scientific developments (...)
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    M. Laura Gemelli Marciano et al., Eleatica 2007. Parmenide: suoni, immagini, esperienza.Christian Vassallo - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:255-258.
    Questo volume, curato da Livio Rossetti e Massimo Pulpito, raccoglie le lezioni su Parmenide e Zenone di Elea tenute da M. Laura Gemelli Marciano (d’ora in poi GM) durante il convegno “Eleatica 2007” (Ascea Marina, 29 novembre - 2 dicembre 2007). Tali lezioni si presentano come la sintesi degli studi che GM ha condotto negli ultimi decenni sui Presocratici, in particolare dei suoi tentativi di emanciparli definitivamente dalla geschichtliche Entwicklung in cui Eduard Zeller li aveva inquadrat...
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    The Philosophical Imaginary.Michele Le Doeuff - 1989 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    "The Philosophical Imaginary teaches us how to read philosophy afresh. Focusing on central, but often undiscussed, images, Le Doeuff's patient, perspicacious, and always brilliant readings show us how to uncover the political unconscious at work in great philosophy. Le Doeuff's contribution to philosophy and feminism is unequalled. This book is a classic.".
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    Cosmic Political Theory.Uriel Abulof & Shirley Le Penne - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):6-17.
    Modern political thought arrived on the heels of two revolutionary realizations: We are not at the center of the universe (Copernicus), which was not created for us (Darwin). How might political theory respond to a third revolutionary realization, that we are not alone, that other creatures, sentient and highly intelligent, share our vast universe? We explore answers through a dialogue between two political theorists, a human and an alien. Rather than superimposing astropolitics upon anthropolitics, we use the encounter to ask (...)
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  11. Travels in four dimensions: the enigmas of space and time.Robin Le Poidevin - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Space and time are the most fundamental features of our experience of the world, and yet they are also the most perplexing. Does time really flow, or is that simply an illusion? Did time have a beginning? What does it mean to say that time has a direction? Does space have boundaries, or is it infinite? Is change really possible? Could space and time exist in the absence of any objects or events? What, in the end, are space and time? (...)
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    Platon.Léon Robin - 1935 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Plato.
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  13. Maria Caterina demuru il carteggio carducci-chiarini: Viaggio tra le memorie di un'amicizia E di Una passione letteraria.Il Carteggio Carducci-Chiarini & Viaggio Tra le Memorie di Un - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  14. Continuants and Continuity.Robin Le Poidevin - 2000 - The Monist 83 (3):381 - 398.
    Are we the people we were? If we are continuants, then the answer to this question is an affirmative one. But it is a moot point whether anything is a continuant. The debate over this issue—of whether there are such things as continuants—is often conducted in the context of theories concerning the apparent passage of time. Thus it has been argued that the tenseless theory of time, according to which time does not really pass, forces us to tear down part (...)
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    Judaïsme et christianisme dans la philosophie contemporaine.Philippe Capelle-Dumont & Danielle Cohen-Lévinas (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
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  16. Métamorphoses de l''me et ses Symboles.C. G. Jung & Yves Le Lay - 1955 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 11 (1):107-108.
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    A ceramics assemblage of the Roman imperial period from the Prytaneion well at Delos.Enora Le Quéré - 2018 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 142:317-402.
    Lors des fouilles du Prytanée de Délos en 1987, un puits d’époque classique fut mis au jour. Ce puits avait été entièrement comblé, vraisemblablement en une seule fois, à la fin du iii eou au début du iv e s. apr. J.-C., avec des matériaux divers pris sur place et une grande quantité de céramiques. Cet ensemble clos, contenant un minimum de 215 individus, est presque exclusivement constitué de fragments de céramiques communes très diverses, de céramiques culinaires et d’amphores de (...)
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  18. What we owe to persons with a disability: a theoretical puzzle versus stable widely shared intuitions.Geert Demuijnck & Christine Le Clainche - 2007 - Imprints. Egalitarian Theory and Practice 10:37-68.
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    Brute Reason.John Le Marchant Bishop - 1880 - Mind 5:575.
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  20. El arte en estado gaseoso.Laurence Le Bouhellec Guyomar - 2013 - In Ríos Espinosa, María Cristina, Torres Arroyo & Ana María (eds.), Reflexiones en torno al ser del arte. México, D.F.: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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  21. Eśer otot.She-Niglu le-Botsina ḲEdisha Ha-Rashbi - 2008 - In Yaʼ Mah-Ṭov, ir ben Avraham & Shalom ben Yosef (eds.), Sifre ḳabalah u-musar. Bene Beraḳ: Yaʼir ben Avraham Mah-Ṭov.
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  22. [Horizons].Robert Harvey & Pascal Le Brun-Cordier - forthcoming - Rue Descartes.
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  23. Stories of the trees: understanding traditions and transitions in the Katu peoples' perceptions of forests in Central Vietnam.Hoan Thi Phan & Ha Van Le - 2022 - In Chris Coggins & Bixia Chen (eds.), Sacred forests of Asia: spiritual ecology and the politics of nature conservation. New York: Routledge.
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    Agnosticism: A Very Short Introduction.Robin Le Poidevin - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    What is agnosticism? Is it a belief, or just the absence of belief? What is the 'agnostic' principle? Robin Le Poidevin takes a philosophical approach to the issue of agnosticism, challenging some of the common assumptions, arguing in favour of the agnostic attitude, and considering its place in society and education.
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  25. The fiction of paradox: really feeling for Anna Karenina.Daniéle Moyal-Sharrock - 2009 - In Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist & Michael McEachrane (eds.), Emotions and understanding: Wittgensteinian perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    How is it that we can be moved by what we know does not exist? In this paper, I examine the so-called 'paradox of fiction', showing that it fatally hinges on cognitive theories of emotion such as Kendall Walton's pretend theory and Peter Lamarque's thought theory. I reject these theories and acknowledge the concept-formative role of genuine emotion generated by fiction. I then argue, contra Jenefer Robinson, that this 'éducation sentimentale' is not achieved through distancing, but rather through the engagement (...)
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    Politique tirée des propres paroles de l'Écriture sainte.Jacques Bénigne Bossuet & Jacques Le Brun - 1967 - Genève,: Droz. Edited by Jacques Le Brun.
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    Création et valeurs éthiques chez Bergson.Gisèle Bretonneau - 1975 - Paris: SEDES.
  28. Magie sonore.Hélène de Callias - 1938 - Paris: Librairie Véga; [etc., etc..
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    The mereological theory of odors.Roberto Casati & François Le Corre - unknown
    We propose the mereological theory of odors, according to which odors are proper parts of concrete objects. We distinguish between object solid core and gaseous periphery; the odor is the periphery and plays a role in olfactory perception similar to the role played by surfaces in visual and tactile perception. Some epistemological and metaphysical consequences of the theory are explored, in particular the fact that objects are larger than they visually appear, and that smell turns out to be more accurate (...)
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  30. This stranjew body.Hélène Cixous - 2007 - In Bettina Bergo, Joseph D. Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly (eds.), Judeities: questions for Jacques Derrida. New York: Fordham University Press.
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  31. Deux essais.Léon Émery - 1972 - Lyon,: "les Cahiers libres,".
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  32. Die Geschichte des Korpers im Mittelalter, ISBN 978-3-608-94080-0.J. Le Goff, N. Truong & A. Matena - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (2):287.
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  33. Verbal aspect in Slavic languages between semantics and pragmatics.Hélène Wlodarczyk - 2013 - In Hélène Wlodarczyk & André Wlodarczyk (eds.), Meta-informative centering of utterances between semantics and pragmatics. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  34. The Origin of species as a book.Michèle Kohler & Chris Kohler - 2009 - In Michael Ruse & Robert J. Richards (eds.), The Cambridge companion to the "Origin of species". New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  35. Job: réponse à Jung.Eliane Amado Lévy-Valensi - 1991 - Paris: Cerf.
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    Actualité de Georges Scelle.Charalambos Apostolidis & Hélène Tourard (eds.) - 2013 - Dijon: Éditions universitaires de Dijon.
    "Dans la pensée internationaliste, l'œuvre de Georges Scelle occupe sans doute une place à part en raison de l'approche originale qu'elle propose et des perspectives de recherche qu'elle ouvre, inspirées par les théories sociologiques d'Émile Durkheim et les enseignements de Léon Duguit sur la solidarité sociale, comme fondement de l'ordre juridique international. Fondée sur une méthode 'réaliste et scientifique qui repousse tout postulat dont la preuve ne pourrait se faire expérimentalement', la doctrine de Georges Scelle recourt continuellement à la sociologie (...)
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  37. The relation between negation in linguistics, logic and psychology, a provisional conclusion.Le'O. Apostel - 1972 - Logique Et Analyse 15 (57-58):333-401.
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  38. Un renouveau thomiste après pascendi (1907-1914)?: Aux sources de l'antithomisme contemporain.le P. Augustin Laffay - 2008 - Revue Thomiste 108 (2):281-299.
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  39. Ehrard et de Florence Devillez, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, Centre de Recherches Révolutionnaires et Romantiques (université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand), Napoli.Jeanehrard Avec le Concours D'antoinette - forthcoming - Vivarium.
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    Perspectives on Ignorance from Moral and Social Philosophy, edited by Rik Peels.Pierre Le Morvan - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (4):536-539.
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  41. Pour une histoire critique de la philosophie marxiste.Michèle Mestre - 1968 - Paris,: "le Communiste,".
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  42. Von der Phänomenologie des Lebens zur Ontologie der Geschichte

    Heidegger zwischen Husserl und Dilthey.
    Andrea Le Moli - 2012 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 38 (1):363-385.
    Der Aufsatz analysiert sowohl historisch als auch thematisch die Bedeutung des lebensphilosophischen Ansatzes Diltheys für die Entwicklung der hermeneutischen Position Heideggers in die Richtung, die zu der Fassung von Sein und Zeit 1927 führte. Eine Paralleluntersuchung der Haupttexte beider Autoren zeigt, dass für den jungen Heidegger die Perspektive Diltheys eine wesentliche Ergänzung der phänomenologischen Methode Husserls in Richtung eines nichtobjektivierenden Zuganges zum ,,Leben“ war. Die Problematisierung der geschichtlichen Zeit im geistigen Leben ist der Punkt, an dem Heideggers Annäherung an die (...)
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  43. Stories of the trees: understanding traditions and transitions in the Katu peoples' perceptions of forests in Central Vietnam.Hoan Thi Phan & Ha Van Le - 2022 - In Chris Coggins & Bixia Chen (eds.), Sacred forests of Asia: spiritual ecology and the politics of nature conservation. New York: Routledge.
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    Ernst Cassirer: culture et totalitarisme.Angèle Rouillaux Martin - 2016 - Fontaine: Éditions ThoT.
    Ernst Cassirer est un philosophe juif allemand, contemporain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Auteur majeur pour l'histoire de la pensée occidentale, il est cependant resté dans l'ombre de Heidegger pendant de nombreuses années. Sa philosophie, centrée sur la question de la culture et du politique, trouve dans la forme symbolique du mythe une explication à la naissance du totalitarisme. Dans une démarche critique, Cassirer analyse l'apparition du mythe totalitaire en Allemagne comme une crise culturelle ayant engendré par la suite une (...)
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    Medical learning curves and the Kantian ideal.Pierre le Morvan - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):513-518.
    A hitherto unexamined problem for the ‘‘Kantian ideal’’ that one should always treat patients as ends in themselves, and never only as a means to other ends, is explored in this paper. The problem consists of a prima facie conflict between this Kantian ideal and the reality of medical practice. This conflict arises because, at least presently, medical practitioners can only acquire certain skills and abilities by practising on live, human patients, and given the inevitability and ubiquity of learning curves, (...)
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  46. Not Only the Poor: The Middle Classes and the Welfare State.Robert E. Goodin, Julian Le Grand, John Dryzek, D. M. Gibson, Russell L. Hanson & Robert H. Haveman - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):442-443.
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  47. L'Homme et ses labyrinthes.Angèle Kremer-Marietti - 1972 - [Paris,: Union générale d'éditions.
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  48. Dialogues faits à l'imitation des anciens. Corpus des oeuvres de philosophie en langue française.LA MOTHE LE VAYER - 1988
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    Academic bonding and social concern: the Society of Christian Ethics, 1959-1983.Edward Le Roy Long - 1985 - [Notre Dame, Ind.]: Religious Ethics.
  50. Accelerative force: an example of contextual definition in d'Alembert's Traite de Dynamique.Veronique Le Ru - 1994 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 47 (3):475-494.
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